greyscale photo of baby on wooden bench
greyscale photo of baby on wooden bench

Welcome to Deb's Dibbles of Interests

The Brilliant Mechanism of the Brain

A glimpse into the magnificent wonders of the brilliant brain. A collective series of short dibbles of facts about the brain, the astonishing ways it collaborates everything within our body, from conscious awareness to involuntary body movements. Digging into the why the brain reacts, and the when and how the brain has us doing the things we do.

Brain Perception

Existence Through Perception

The human life is unique. Our genetics, our chemistry and our perception define how we live and how we are perceived. We exist in a tangible reality that is solely shaped by our brain's interpretation. Our perception of our intriguing world is heavily influenced by the external sensory signals that we encounter. The processing of this information is based selectively on the level of importance instilled within our own individual brain.

Each individual's perception is distinct and personal, leading to unique thoughts and conclusions. What one may find pleasing, another may find the same experience relentlessly boring. By this thinking, the same experience, is really not the same experience as defind in our perception.

Our understanding of the world is therefore subjective, as it is filtered through our own experiences and biases. This individual thought of subjectivity is inspiring to the complexity of human perception and our ability to exquisitely see things in our oun way. This is not to say that fact is not part of the process, as facts help us to process the situation faster and clearer.

Our life is shaped by our individual perceptions, making it a truly diverse and multifaceted experience. This all takes place in the frontal cortex of the brilliant brain. This area of the brain is our sensory dashboard, constantly sending signals to other areas of the brain to perform.

How You See It
There are various types of perceptions that shape our external and internal reactions. These include time, sensation, visual, motion, hearing, and psychological perception. Each of these perspectives plays a crucial role in how we perceive and interact with the world around us.
Time perception allows us to gauge the passing of time and helps us organize our daily activities. We can perceive time in different aspects. The natural time, the notion of circadian rhythm and the changing of seasons informs us to rest, dress and play. Synthetic or man made time keeps us in rhythm to a clock, rotating our moments in line with everyone else's, allowing us to be on time, in an orderly fashion while we navigate throughout our day. Mind time is the most fascinating of all, as the perception is strictly individual, as time can warp dependingly. Time can slow, speed up or feel it has literally stopped and stood still. It took forever, it went by so fast, I lost track of time, words often used to describe the perception of time.
Sensation perception enables us to perceive and interpret sensory information, such as touch, taste, smell, and temperature. This perception gives us a 3D concept to what information we are receiving. Letting us know if something is rough or smooth, bad or delicious, smelly or delightful and hot or cold. Combining this information allows us to be protective in our actions. Too hot, don't touch. Smells bad, don't eat. Perceptions we learn to know as fact, are instilled, helping to make well thought out quick decisions.
Visual perception allows us to make sense of the visual stimuli received through our eyes. The cornea lens is curved bending the light to cast an upside down image to the retina that requires recoding by millions of nerves at incredible speeds to allow us to perceive it properly. Our reaction impulse can be instantaneous as the perception is realized.
While motion perception helps us understand and navigate through the movement of objects or ourselves. We will duck instinctively as our brains tell us that an object is alined in a way to harm you.

Hearing perception enables us to process and understand auditory information, such as language and sounds. Our responses can be heightened without even seeing a danger but by hearing a scream or screech.

Finally, psychological perception influences our thoughts, emotions, and overall psychological well-being. These perceptions can easily be twisted or misleading causing mental illness to those who have misguided thoughts, possibly even hallucinations that the brain perceives as real.

These various types of perceptions work together to shape our understanding and outlook of the world. How we behave the way we do, and how much joy we experience in life is directly related to the magical connections of neurons and nerves that make up our perception.

person holding clear crystal ball
person holding clear crystal ball
Our Control Panel
The frontal cortex is a crucial part of our brain that plays a significant role in managing and controlling various cognitive processes. It is responsible for our thinking, judgment, and decision-making abilities. This region also influences our self-control and personality traits. Additionally, the frontal cortex is involved in coordinating voluntary muscle movements, allowing us to perform complex tasks and movements with precision.
Its intricate network of neural connections enables us to plan, strategize, and adapt to our surroundings effectively based on the perception of constant entering of information. . The frontal cortex acts as the control center of our brain, regulating our behavior, emotions, and responses to external stimuli. Without good health in this vital brain region, our ability to think critically, make sound judgments, and exhibit self-control would be severely impaired.
woman standing outdoor surrounded by bobbles during daytime
woman standing outdoor surrounded by bobbles during daytime
Developed at Age 25 Young Perception is Less Conclusive
Neurons and nerves in the brain will grow to form an extensive network, specifically designed for transmitting electrical impulses as signals. This intricate system allows for the efficient communication of information throughout the brain. The network consists of countless interconnected pathways, forming a complex web that enables the rapid transmission and processing of these electrical signals. The perception can be obviously limited in a developing brain.
Through this mapped network, neurons and nerves are able to send and receive information, facilitating various cognitive functions and bodily movements. This highly specialized system of electrical communication within the brain plays a fundamental role in our ability to think, perceive, and interact with the world around us. Young connections do not offer a perception that can always be attuned to proper judgments leaving room for misguided conceptions.
photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytime
photo of three men jumping on ground near bare trees during daytime